Saturday, July 6, 2013

Days like today

So today (7/6/13) I had to call 911 for my grandma to be rushed to the hospital again. 2 times in just over 2 weeks she has had to be rushed to the hospital. This time I am more emotional  about her going to the hospital than normal. My grandma on my mom's side has a family history of type 2 diabetes. She has lost her mother, and several brothers and sisters to diabetes. My grandma was diagnosed with type 2 in 2006 or 2007 I believe. Now my family has always been good eaters, and what I mean by that is we eat food that taste good and that we like and we eat a lot of it. We were never healthy eaters. You couldn't get a veggie on my plate if you tried. I have always been over weight. Now I have never been over 175 lbs in my life, but when you are 5' 170 lbs is obese. I love me cheeseburgers, fries, and soda lol.
 In 2010 I got pregnant with  my daughter. This was my 2nd pregnancy, but my 1st in  my 30's. I went in for my 28 week blood sugar test and well it came back positive for gestational diabetes. I ended up on having to inject myself with insulin about 3 times a day. When my daughter was born all ways fine. She was great and my blood sugar seemed to go back to normal. Well about 7 weeks later I became pregnant with my son. Yes my daughter and son are 10 months a part. Well because I had gestational diabetes with my daughter they didn't wait to check my blood sugar. Once again it was high. Once again I had gestational diabetes. But this time I did not have to be on insulin. I only had to control my diet and take a pill in the morning when I woke up. When my son was born everything was fine just like my daughter. With a family history of type 2 diabetes and a personal history of gestational diabetes, the likely hood of me getting type 2 is very high. Even knowing this I gained about 20 lbs after my son was born. I was back to eating cheeseburgers, fries, and drinking soda every day. Heck some times 2 times a day.
 I was miserable. I was so disappointed in myself  for gaining all that weight. At this point I am in between 170 and175 lbs. My energy level is low. My clothes won't fit and I just knew I was very close to being  diagnosed with type 2 just like so many of my family members. My husband and I decided to do something about it. We joined Beachbody. I had done Slim in 6 and Hip Hop Abs in the past and  saw results so I knew that if we stuck to our fitness goals and really worked at it, it would work. We joined Beachbody  as coaches instead of just customers this time because we found out that you make an income on every referral  you make to Beachbody. It only made since to get paid while you were losing weight and getting fit.
To date I have lost 18 lbs. I injured my back so I had to stop working out for about a month, but I am back and going forward. I am always working on my eating habits. My soda  in take has decreased and I hardly  eat cheeseburgers and fries. I eat a lot of chicken salads now. I drink my Shakeology shake everyday now too. Shakeology is the best protein/ meal supplement drink I have ever found. I no longer feel like I have to take a nap everyday with my kids. Its the best feeling in the world not to feel so lazy.
So the reason I decided to change my life and get healthy was for my family. I have 3 children I want to see grow up. And days like today where I have to call 911 to rush my grandma to the hospital reminds me why I have to keep up my fight to lose the weight and get healthy.
Like I said I am down 18 lbs. My goal is 60. I will keep posting my progress.

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